Friday, December 19, 2014

Only six sleeps to go until Christmas

and two beautiful new, blue and white Stitch vessels by Mark Mitchell have just arrived in at AVID!!

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Only 11 sleeps to go...

and we have a wonderful selection of all our artists' work out in the gallery!

ceramics by John Parker and glass by Christine Cathie

John Parker's blue and white orbs, cones and vessels are looking very Christmassy!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Paul Maseyk and Rainer Beneke..

Great opening of Paul's a chequered history and a colourful past and Rainer's Currency last night with floor talks by both Paul and Rainer!!!

Paul speaking in the upstairs gallery...

Paul speaking in the downstairs galleryspace ...

Rainer beneke, Judith and Karren Dale

a captive audience...

some more of the captive audience...

setting up...
one of thr beautiful pieces of Rainer's work from Currency


the downstairs gallery...a chequered history and a colourful past

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Congratulations to our jewellery artist Becky Bliss who has been selected to exhibit in Schmuck in 2015!!!!

Schmuck, established in 1959, takes place in Munich during the International Trade Fair and is the longest running exhibition of contemporary jewellery objects in the world.  In 2015 it will run from 11th-17th March.

Watch out for Becky's upcoming exhibition @AVID in February…

Penumbra breastplate

Penumbra paisley

Penumbra rust

Penumbra shadow

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Two absolutely gorgeous shows opened last night...

Emma Camden's no fixed place or time and Ann Culy's plain gold ring has a story to tell and a fun time was had by all.

Emma Camden in front of her amazing work...
Emma and Alexander

Thursday, September 25, 2014


 is the second project conceived and designed by jewellery artist and educator, Peter Deckers.

Taking place over two years, graduate jewellers are mentored and work with an inspiring "hero" of their choice.During the period of this collaborative two year project, the participants will share their learning process and progress with the public in a series of exhibitions.  

From the 2-16th September 2015 AVID Gallery is privileged to be hosting one of these exhibitions. 

Two of the Handshake2 participants, artist Amelia Pascoe and her mentor Ruudt Peters were interviewed recently on RNZ's Standing Room Only. It's a fascinating interview and well worth a listen!!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Very sad to see the arts review column in the Dominion Post discontinued...

Director of The Dowse Art Musem, Courtney Johnston, had some pertinent things to say on RNZ's Nine to Noon programme last Wednesday:

and Mark Amery's article about the demise of New Zealand arts reporting in The Big Idea/Te Aria Nui is a good one to read:

Monday, September 1, 2014

PETER DECKERS @ The Museum of Art and Design New York (MAD)...

"Multiple Exposures: Jewelry and Photography is the first museum exhibition to explore how contemporary jewelry artists transform and add new meaning to the pervasive images of this digital age.  Drawing inspiration from historic daguerreotypes to manipulated digital images, international jewelry artists explore changing views of beauty and the human body; examine social, political, and cultural issues; probe perceptions of memory and desire; and question the broader relation of jewelry to society and personal identity, issues central to the contemporary experience.
More than 80 renowned artists from over 20 countries are represented—including Gijs Bakker, Wafaa Bilal, Jordan Doner, Mari Ishikawa, Jiro Kamata, Sooyeon Kim, Iris Nieuwenburg, Kara Ross, Gabriela Sanchez, Bernhard Schobinger, Bettina Speckner, Joyce J. Scott, Kiff Slemmons, Andy Warhol and Noa Zilberman"...and AVID artist Peter Deckers.

Jewelry and Photography
Click on the links and have a look at and a read about the current exhibition at MAD!!

Ten Most Wanted Ring by Peter Deckers

Smiley Brooch (2) from Peter Deckers' Smiley series

Smiley Brooch (20) from Peter Deckers' Smiley series

Saturday, August 30, 2014

It was great to catch up

with some of our wonderful AVID artists in their amazing studios in Whanganui last week...

Emma Camden & David Murray
Frances Stachl & Fish
Frances & Fish in the studio again...
Judith and Claudia Borella
Claudia's studio
Lyndsay Patterson was in the process of firing up the kiln at Chronicle Glass for the season
Lyndsay and Judith
Emma and Judith

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Mark Mitchell's

two, new, gorgeous stitch vessels have arrived in the gallery and are now ready to head off to their new home in Paris!

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Come into the warmth...

and have a look at Pauline Bern's wonderful new work in Carapace. This exhibition of intricately and superbly constructed neck pieces explores the evolving nature of the botanical forms that have become a familiar element in Pauline's work. Are they flora or are they fauna?
Carapace #1, Pauline Bern

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Paul Maseyk @ Dunedin Public Art gallery...

If you're down Dunedin way it's worth having a look at this wonderful survey exhibition covering a fifteen year period of Paul's work...

Also a piece in the Otago Daily Times...

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Frances Stachl...

Also opening on Tuesday evening was Frances Stachl's New elegant installation of ten exquisite neck pieces.

John Parker...

John's Singularities opened on Tuesday night. It's a visual feast of luscious new colours and forms!!

You can see his record of the finished installation at

Christine Cathie

It was great to get a visit from Christine and her daughter Chloe last week. Christine was dropping off a beautiful new Ovoid and was here as Viv Atkinson was taking Salon Rouge out to the public.

Viv Atkinson, Christine Cathie and Chloe

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Ben Lignel...

Great to see Ben and Philip Clarke (Director of Object Space) in at AVID last week!

Ben is currently the Editor of Art Jewellery Forum and a member of the European Think Tank: A European Initiative for Crafts.,41,161

His talk, Lift up, Patch up: on Exhibiting Contemporary Jewellery at The Dowse last Thursday evening was intelligent, thought provoking and thoroughly enjoyable.

Philip and Ben are now on a wonderful Tiki tour of New Zealand jewellers around the country before returning to Auckland for Obect Space's Talkfest.


Ben Lignel in front of Debbie Adamson's Black Work

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Salon Rouge

is back from performances at The Dowse during the Wunderruma opening!

It is installed in the small window gallery at AVID and is 'resting' there until Wednesday July 9th.

This performance piece is currently exhibiting new work from the Handshake2 participants and during this time will be making short tours into the Wellington community.

Come in and have a look and if there is anything you like it may be purchased online at the Handshake2 fundraising  shop:
Salon Rouge