Monday, December 10, 2012

Successful show for Merilyn Wiseman

Merilyn Wiseman's shelf show "Echo" has been a runaway success, with only four of these works still available.

Publicity in the Dominion Post and word of mouth amongst the wide ceramics community brought many people in to see these lovely vases, the newest work from this Arts Foundation Laureate.

These vases are appealing in their simplicity and warmth, and look equally at home in contemporary or classic traditional setting.  Visit Merilyn's page on our web site to check out what is still available.

Wood returns to AVID

Dennis Handyside, master craftsman in wood turning and carving, brings a new series of inlaid bowls to AVID.  We have not seen this wood work of this quality for a number of years, and it is a very welcome return to the gallery.

Anna's Retirement Party

Anna Hesp is retiring at the end of the year, and her retirement party on Tuesday was an occasion to say thank you from friends, clients and artists alike, who paid tribute to her long service at AVID.  Many sent messages of support and thanks, which were read out on the night.  Anna has been a stalwart of AVID, especially the jewellery area, and she will indeed be missed.

Below are some of the friends who gathered to farewell her.  Anna is in the centre of the centre top image, in her orange kimono.

Comings and goings at AVID

Welcome to our lovely gallery assistant Sharon's baby girl. Samantha Robyn Louise arrived in the early hours of Sunday 25th November.

Sharon is concentrating on being a mother for a while, and Katie Russell is helping out in the gallery until Sharon returns to work in March next year.